"Jon Fineman" <j...@fineman.me> wrote:

> So I read through the two threads below which both point to the third link 
> about xfwm4 composter.
> I am not sure if I have the exact same issue. While you could say my screen 
> flickers - what it really
> does is randomly (to my eyes) show the desktop and then show any open apps I 
> might have while hiding
> the title bar. If I click around or move the cursor around the title bar area 
> it will alternate between the desktop
> and apps. If I leave the display alone every 1-4 seconds the display will 
> flip.
> Via .xsessions turning the composter off or setting it to xpresent freezes 
> the screen to show just
> the desktop. Clicking doesn't change the view or bring forward or hide any 
> apps.
> However I found if I switch to a non XFCE tty and back the display will 
> change to what I tried to click on.
> Any thoughts on what I might experiment with or investigate further?
> Thanks.
> Jon

I was able to resolve this.

I turned off the compositor via the GUI.

I added this section in /etc/X11.xorg.conf to force TearFree:

Section "Device"
        Identifier "graphicsdriver"
        Driver "AMDGPU"
        Option "TearFree" "true"

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