Hello Paulo,

Thursday, February 16, 2006, 7:47:02 AM, you wrote:

>> - Setup: 1 machine with an atheros PCMCIA card and a PCI-PCMCIA bridge 
>> as nat gateway on OBSD3.8.
>>         Nat gateway machine has 2 internal interfaces (re0, re1) and 
>> one external (ath0)          1 lovely windows machine on WinXP for games
>> - At random intervals, connectivity to the Internet is lost, but 
>> pinging the internal interfaces works. There are 2 such interfaces, 
>> re0 and re1. Both can be pinged. External addresses like google can't 
>> be pinged (it hangs as if it's waiting for DNS)
>> - When one tries to ssh to the OpenBSD box, authentication is 
>> requested. After successful authentication, connection seemingly hangs 
>> for about a minute or so. Then access is granted.

I had a very similar problem... the 1 minute hang, prior to returning
results... except that my issue did work on the Internet... with a 60
second hang, before returning results.

I figured out that DSL modem/router was not returning the best
possible DNS info... like it was hanging for a minute, then going to
an alternate, successful DNS server.

I fixed the problem by adding to /etc/dhclient.conf ... at the bottom
of the file...

supersede domain-name-servers xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;

...with my actual domain nameserver, in place of the x's.

-wittig http://www.robertwittig.com/
.       http://robertwittig.net/

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