On 22/10/2019 18.01, Theo de Raadt wrote:

The firmwares are intentionally kept out of the standard download zone.

I'll talk to some people and see if there is a way we can shift things
around, to make slight improvements.

However, I don't see how anything we do would fix your problem.  Whatever
new other storage location we select, it won't contain the files you need,
because you would not have copied the entire pile of firmwares to that place.

I do have a mirror of firmware.openbsd.org and it works if I specify the 
location with fw_update -p http://mymirror.lol/openbsd/firmware/6.6/

This leads me to believe that if there was a question about firmware mirror in the 
installer and an "/etc/firmwareurl" or some such it would solve the problem 
with the sysupgrade as well.

Until then the DNS hack would be the ugly work around as Claus suggested.


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