Hello all, Yesterday I gave a remote coworker doas access to run sysupgrade just to show him what it looked like, and he said it was the easiest operating system upgrade he's ever seen. Thank you for that! It's fun to show off OpenBSD to people. This is a huge step forward from what was already very good.
I've been riding the puffy wagon since 2.6 and almost every release introduces something close to breathtaking. I must have been smiling for a couple minutes straight doing my first sysupgrade - it was a cool experience. It takes something special to make a longtime user feel that way, especially when they're kind of used to the casually miraculous - I still get a little lift of spirits just thinking about pledge/unveil. Thank you to all the developers, contributors, supporters, artists, and anyone involved in making OpenBSD a joy to use. Enjoy your weekend, Nicolai