On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 03:12:37PM BST, cho...@jtan.com wrote:
> OK this has started to get on my nerves now.
> I use vi to enter emails despite using evil emacs for development and
> other general editing. Rather than linking them together (they're on
> seperate machines) to enter emails in emacs I'd rather figure out
> something interesting about vi.
> At the moment I limit lines to 72 characters through a laborious process
> of finding the appropriate space character myself and replacing it with
> a ^M. Obviously nonsense which is why I sometimes don't bother. (Sorry).
> I know about fmt and could easily concoct the pipeline to format each
> paragraph but I wonder if there's something that can correctly parse the
> whole email and format the entire thing en masse without me writing what
> would undoubtedly be Yet Another Poor Implementation.
> Alternatively is there something that would make vi do it on the fly, or
> something akin to emacs' C-q or vim's gq. Although I appreciate the fact
> that vi doesn't try to be clever.
> Thanks,
> Matthew

Is this what you had in mind?

        set editor="EXINIT='set wraplen=72' /usr/bin/vi"



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