On 10/9/19 2:56 PM, Paul de Weerd wrote:

On Wed, Oct 09, 2019 at 01:40:42PM +0000, shadrock uhuru wrote:
| after trying sysupgrade for the first time on my laptop running snapshots
| running the following command returns no such dir.
| doas pkg_add -u
| https://ftp.OpenBSD.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.6/packages/amd64/: no such dir
| pkg_info p5-finance
| https://ftp.OpenBSD.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.6/packages/amd64/: no such dir
| my /etc/installurl has
| cat /etc/installurl
| https://ftp.OpenBSD.org/pub/OpenBSD
| does this need editing
| if so what url should i use ?

Same url, different command: pkg_add -u -Dsnap

Twice a year there's a brief window where snapshots have the name of
the upcoming release.  During that time, you must add -Dsnap to
pkg_add.  It doesn't hurt to have -Dsnap when you're running something
-current or -beta, so if you always run snaps, best to train you
muscle memory to do -Dsnap always :)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd

thanks  Paul

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