On Oct 4, 2019, at 16:28, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2019-10-03, Sean Kamath <kam...@moltingpenguin.com> wrote:
>>> You can disable the reordering by removing /var/db/kernel.SHA256
>>> but be aware that syspatch relies on the reorder_kernel mechanism in
>>> order to apply kernel patches. 
>> Good to know.  I’m going to do everything I can to avoid turning off 
>> relinking, because I want to go on the big boy rides! :-)
> Even if you only occasionally trigger the relinking by hand when you have
> shutdown other daemons,, it's still better than not at all.

Agreed, but not necessary.

For the archives and anyone who might google this:

I installed fresh OBSD6.5 on another box (I have like 6 of these — this 
particular one had 4.7 on it.  Even getting bsd.rd from 6.5 to boot on it took 
installing a new bootbios :-)).  It took a while to relink the kernel before 
the reboot, but it worked just fine.  Reboots were also fine.  OK ,so a stock 
6.5 on the Alix works.

I thought perhaps the disk layout was updated in 6.5.  Nope (in fact, the other 
machine had a slightly larger swap partition).  OK.

Time to just try adding swap: I added progressively larger swap files until it 
worked, then I did some math.  I think I got down to the lowest reliable swap 
size that allows me to reboot and relink:  About 185M.

So, this seems kinda nuts, because literally the only non-stock thing is nsd 
and unbound, and they’re taking up 137M of VM, but whatever.  They’re tiny 
little boxes and someday just won’t work.  One itty bitty box per thingie, I 
guess (my primary reason for upgrading was to install smokeping to be able to 
bitch at AT&T about my DSL line.  I’ll do that on the box I just rebuilt.).

Just want to say thanks for all the sage advice.  I really do appreciate it.


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