
Host OpenBSD WAN IP =
Host OpenBSD VPN Subnet =
IKED responder (passive)

Remote OpenBSD WAN IP = Dynamic
Remote OpenBSD Internal LAN =
IKED Initiator (active)

I have an OpenBSD server hosted at Vultr running as an iked server.
It has a static public IP. I can use my iPhone and connect via iked
perfectly and my phone will have the public IP of the server. I can
browse the internet using my phone when connected via the VPN.

Now I would like to establish a VPN using an OpenBSD system located
at a remote site and be an iked initiator (Client). I cannot get
any flows to establish. I have read the OpenBSD VPN FAQ document and
also browsed past questions relating to "iked" on this mailing list.
I have tried some configurations but no success.

I have tried to debug iked by using "iked -dvv". But I can't understand 
what is going on with all the output provided.

Both OpenBSD systems are running v6.5 with all patches installed via
"syspatch" I am seeking some suggestions please as to where I am going

I have configure the interface "enc0" so I can use the IP address 
with unbound and provide DNS via the VPN to end users.

** Server hostname.enc0

** Server iked.conf
ikev2 "inet" passive esp \
      from to \
      local egress peer any \
      psk "-----------" \
      config protected-subnet \
      config address \
      config name-server \
      tag "IKED"

** Server pf.conf
# Some options
set skip on {lo enc}
set block-policy return 
set loginterface egress
set reassemble yes

# Macros
trusted_ip = "{}"
web_ports = "{80 443}"
iked_ports = "{500 4500}"
icmp_types = "{echoreq unreach}"

# Tables
table <rfc1918> const {,,}

# Scrub option
match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1440)

# NAT Rule
match out on egress inet from !(egress:network) to any nat-to (egress:0)

# Drop urpf-failed packets, add label uRPF
block in quick log from urpf-failed label uRPF

# Block bad IP addresses
block quick log from <shithole> label "BAD-IPs"

# Antispoof
antispoof quick for egress

# Block RFC1918 non-routable addresses
block in quick on egress from {no-route <rfc1918>}

# Allow ping
pass in quick inet proto icmp icmp-type $icmp_types keep state label "ICMP-IN"

# Allow SSH
pass in quick log on egress proto tcp from $trusted_ip to egress port 22 label 

# Allow web
pass in quick log on egress proto tcp from $trusted_ip to egress port 
$web_ports label "WEB-IN"

# Allow iked
pass in quick log on egress proto esp from any to egress
pass in quick log on egress proto udp from any to egress port $iked_ports

# Block all
block all 

# Pass out all
pass out 

** Remote OpenBSD pf.conf
# Macros
ext_if = "em0"
int_if = "em1"
icmp_types = "{echoreq unreach}"

# Tables
table <martians> const {,,}

# Options
set block-policy drop
set loginterface egress
set skip on {lo enc} 

# Scrub rule
match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1440)

# NAT Rule
match out on egress inet from !(egress:network) to any nat-to (egress:0)

# AntiSpoof and block martians rule
antispoof quick for { egress $int_if }
block in quick on egress from <martians> to any

# Allow ping
pass in quick inet proto icmp icmp-type $icmp_types keep state label "ICMP-IN"

# Need to comment out the following rule due to double NAT (Telstra 4G MBB)
# block return out quick on egress from any to <martians>

# Default block all
block log all

# Pass traffic out
pass out quick inet
pass in on { $int_if } inet

** Remote OpenBSD iked.conf
# macros
remote_gw = ""

ikev2 "remote" active esp \
  from to \
  peer $remote_gw \
  psk "-----------"

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