Hi I m running the TYAN S2885ANRF (Thunder K8W AMD 8000 Chipset) with OpenBSD 3.7/3.8, and it works :)
>Hello, >What does anyone think about this M/B or recommendations for others? >I have found one recommendation on BSDForums.org for this dual AMD Opteron M/B: >"tomek11-16-2004, 05:17 PM >I newer use this motherboard but it looks reasonably. >TYAN "Thunder K8SR (S2881G2NR)" AMD-8131 Chipset Server Motherboard For >Dual >AMD Opteron CPU 940-pin Socket Processor -RETAIL >(http://www.tyan.com/products/html/thunderk8sr.html) >It's for dual Opteron." -- Lust, ein paar Euro nebenbei zu verdienen? Ohne Kosten, ohne Risiko! Satte Provisionen f|r GMX Partner: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/partner