Op Wed, 21 Aug 2019 15:06:17 +0200 schreef Walter Alejandro Iglesias
It has been working for days (with and without NUT) apparently without
problems except for three times in which the usb signal from the ups got
cut, apparently for no reason. I get this message in console:
upd0 detached
uhidev0 detached
I have a similar recurring message, also very erratically, mean period is
about a month:
ugen0 detached
ugen0 at uhub1 port 2 "American Power Conversion Smart-UPS 1000 FW:UPS
09.2 / ID=18" rev 2.00/1.06 addr 2
While using NUT I got "stale" messages from upsmon when that happened.
I'm using apcupsd, I also get messages for these occurrences.
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