Have you tried pkg_check to see failing messages for missing files? 

On August 21, 2019 11:03:06 PM UTC, Jordon <open...@sirjorj.com> wrote:
>A few years ago I attempted to make a port of obs-studio for openbsd. 
>With help from this mailing list, I got something that ran but wasn’t
>particularly useful, as audio and video sources were not there.  I gave
>up on that project and since then have been using that machine for
>local development on a cgi-based website.
>This system runs current and gets updated about once a week or so.  I
>also try to do a ‘pkg_add -u’ regularly too.  Every time I do that, it
>ends with this:
>Fatal error: can't parse OpenBSD::Requiring: writing
>/var/db/pkg/obs-studio-17.0.0/+REQUIRING: No such file or directory at
>/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/RequiredBy.pm line 30.
>That is the package I was making and it is no longer installed.  How
>does pkg_add even know about it, as it isn't part of the base packages?
>What can I do to get rid of that message?  It has been doing that for a
>while and I am finally annoyed enough to try to fix it!

Isak - OBSD.xyz

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