Jan Stary wrote: > Eventualy it does suspend, but much later than > when the battery life goes below the specified value.
Doing more testing I noticed the same. For example, with these options: # apmd -d -t 60 -z <value above current batt percentage level> It took *5* minutes to suspend the machine. In my first tests I passed bigger values to -t (120 seconds) what made me think -Z was ignored. Not a dev here but I try to learn when I have time. I took a look to /src/usr.sbin/apmd/ampd.c, I see there is a loop (line 507) where the limit passed to -t is checked, then if AC is not connected the autoaction is executed. Time seems to be handled with a system call (kevent), that's beyond my basic C knowledge. :-) Perhaps some other checking in this loop add delays, just guessing. Walter