On 2019-07-23 12:43, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2019-07-22, Stefan Sperling <s...@stsp.name> wrote:

If your university class prefers using git, I'd recommend the repository at

However, it doesn't include branches/tags, because we haven't found
anything that
is able to successfully convert the OpenBSD CVS repository to git
unless it ignores

I haven't tried this with the OpenBSD code base, but in a previous life I did a CVS to Git conversion starting with a repo that resembled OpenBSD's in many ways. The "solution" was to get to git by way of SVN. SVN was able to preserve branches/tags/etc. from CVS into SVN, and was then able to in turn be converted to git through SVN's git-compatibility layer (IIRC).
Whether this helps anyone out there... *shrug*

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