Matthias Kilian wrote:

And watch out for silly file names containing whitespace.

BTW: if this is a contest on creative use of find(1) and other
standard tools:

$ find . -type f | sed '[EMAIL PROTECTED]@grep -l -- foo @' | sh

Yes, this isn't robust against whitespace, either PLUS it's
inefficient. But in some cases the find ... | sed ... | sh pattern
is quite useful.

Sometime ago I have had the same problem with spaces in filenames and dealing with them as xargs parameters. There I have used (here only as an example):

find . -print | grep -i ' ' | xargs -I {} ls -ald {}

FYI, that has been on a non-OpenBSD system.
I4m not at my OpenBSD system at the moment, so I can4t check whether OpenBSD xargs supports the shown options. Maybe someone may test it.

One may check this at a directory with space-containing filenames.
Without the "-I {}" and "{}" parts you get funny output.

Have a nice day

Michael Schmidt     MIRRORS:

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