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-------- Original message --------
From: Австин Ким <> 
Date: 7/21/19  10:09  (GMT-06:00) 
Subject: Re: OpenBSD Project 

> On July 21, 2019 6:05:28 AM GMT+03:00, bkfuth <[…]> wrote:> > I have used 
> OpenBSD, for years, in my computer security classes. I find> > it best suited 
> for these classes. The governance has never been an> > issue. If you know 
> what you are doing the OpenBSD community is a good> > one.> > Stephen Kolars> 
> > Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note� 4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone> > > > 
> -------- Original message --------> > From: Ingo Schwarze <[…]>> > Date: 
> 7/20/19  21:44  (GMT-06:00) > > To: > > Cc: 
> > > Subject: Re: OpenBSD Project > > > > Hi,Avstin Kim 
> wrote:> My question is, how is the OpenBSD Project> > governance 
> structured;There is no formal structure and no> > "governance".In day to day 
> business, code owners in parts of the system> > decidewhat is done (for 
> example, espie@ in pkg_add(1), myself in> > mandoc(1),claudio@ in OpenBGPD, 
> gilles@ in OpenSMTPd, jsing@ and beck@> > inLibreSSL, tj@ redgarding the 
> website, and so on; in some areas,more> > than one person owns the code, 
> sometimes up to a handful).In general,> > the people deciding ask themselves 
> which is the besttechnical solution,> > and if there is consensus among 
> developers, itis done.In the rare cases> > of serious disagreement that 
> cannot be resolvedconsensually, or cannot> > be resolved without excessive 
> delay ordiscussion, deraadt@ reserves the> > right to make a final 
> decision,but that does not happen often.There is> > no core team and 
> certainly, there are never any elections.There are no> > written rules 
> whatsoever, and no introduction of anywritten rules is> > planned for the 
> future.  The OpenBSD foundationhas absolutely no say> > about any aspect of 
> the OpenBSD project.None of all this is documented> > anywhere because it 
> doesn't matterfor users of the system.If your> > choice of operating system 
> depends on any kind of formalitiesrather> > than on technical quality, 
> OpenBSD is not the project youare looking> > for.Yours,  Ingo>> I can only 
> add that ,from all the mailing lists  I'm  subscribed ,  misc@openbsd is \> 
> the most active  mailing list.>> This means alot for me, and I suspect for 
> anyone else using openBSD.>> Best Regards,> Strahil NikolovTo everyone who 
> took the time to respond, your responses were outstanding; if only a short 
> and sweet additional page could be added to the main OpenBSD Project WWW site 
> (e.g., under “Project Team” or “Developers") that just succinctly summarizes 
> exactly what you all said.  For “smaller” projects without formal governance 
> I guess it all comes down to the people; I can see how if you have a 
> dedicated core of really good, passionate developers formal by-laws and 
> committees are superfluous, but then the question is how would that be 
> sustainable over the long term other than just by manually and personally 
> attracting and retaining the best on an ad hoc basis without a codified, 
> structured process.  But it seems to be clearly working here.Downloaded the 
> macppc port of OpenBSD 6.5 to install on a couple IBM PowerPC 970/970MP-based 
> Apple Power Mac G5 machines for a class project (I just need some decent, 
> reliable, no-frills servers, but I wanted to try using something other than 
> AMD64/x86-64-based machines for a change) with very low expectations (after 
> trying to install the macppc port of a peer Noteworthy Excellent 
> Tried-and-true BSD distribution which crashed immediately upon running 
> ofwboot off the install ISO), but the installer Just Worked!  I don’t 
> understand how this project is able to maintain a working legacy macppc port 
> with so few developers.All the best,Austin“If you want to change the future, 
> start living as if you’re already there.”  —Lynn ConwayI really appreciate 
> the macppc developers! In my lab I have a cluster of 5 g5s, 24 g4 laptops, 7 
> g4 towers, and 15 other ppc machines. They all run OpenBSD. Thanks to the 
> macppc developers my students can benefit from their use. Thanks!

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