On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 03:47:53PM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi NilsOla,
> >>>> On 2019-07-11, Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:
> >>> I just did
> >>>   cd /usr/xenocara/app/xterm/
> >>>   cvs up -dP
> >>>   make clean
> >>>   make obj
> >>>   make
> >>>   doas make install
> >>> and now compose works again for me in xterm, too.
> >>> 
> >>> I have no idea what was going on.  I often have patches lying around
> >>> in my tree for diverse testing purposes, though i fail to remeber
> >>> anything in particular in xterm(1) lately, and there are no patches
> >>> there now.  Anyway, sorry for the noise.
> >>> 
> >>> To the other poster who reported problems with compose in xterm:
> >>> Can you try updating and recompiling xterm as shown above,
> >>> and does that help for you, too?
> >> It works for mee too. 
> >> So, the xterm distributed in current is not the same
> >> as in the source tree? Just asking.
> I don't know.  It sounds as if this aspect of xterm(1) was briefly
> broken in at least one snapshot about three weeks ago.  But i don't
> know why, i see no plausible reason.  Nothing was committed to xterm
> for four months, and i don't recall hearing about uncommitted xterm
> patches in snapshots either.
> > It works also for one xterm that was started before the
> > reinstall.
> Now that's very weird.  It doesn't for me.  I still have some old
> xterm binaries running, and compose still doesn't work in those,
> in the way i described, while it does work in xterms that i start
> now using the freshly recompiled /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm.

Of the xterms started before the reinstall it works
only for the one were i run the reinstallation. 

BTW I have one other machine with openbsd 6.5 stable, and
there it seems to work from the beginning


Nils Ola Nilsson, 🐞 email nils...@abc.se, tel +46-70-374 69 89

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