
1.      I was hoping someone could recommend a dual AMD Opteron, that will
ultimately have 2-4 gigs RAM, 2 NICs, run OpenBSD 3.8, apache, pf, snort,
snortsam, snmp, mrtg, SATA (would be nice), captive portal, AAA and various
other items for a WISP. I am modeling it after the Air-Lok box functionality
by Lok-Tek.

The kid I had make the box for me didn't bother to look at the hardware list
I gave him. Now the MSI K8N Master2 FAR, is giving me a lot of trouble. It
is a nice M/B but I might have to get another to ensure the stability.

I have not been able to find such an M/B list for OpenBSD on the net.

2.      Another question is that the hardware list says NVidia but this
board is Nvideo4. I am guessing the list does not mention '4' so Nvidia4
would be experimenting as this board I have is 'NVidia4'. Correct?

Thank you for your valuable time,
An old Burroughs/Unisys man who strayed to Windows 20 years ago.

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