> OpenBSD derives some security by confining processes and web browsing
> with firefox is notorious for memory leaks.
> If you mobo supports it, more ram will also improve performance with
> firefox and other memory intensive tasks.
Firefox is pretty much my only memory intensive task. Thanks for sharing
your opinion, though! One more incentive to buy the new ram stick.

> Other options:
> Adding the Firefox "forget" widget to your panel
> https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/forget-button-quickly-delete-your-browsing-his
> and using it frequently.
That seems more like a workaround to me.

> Consider www/iridium as an alternative browser.  You can export your
> firefox bookmarks.html and import it into iridium.  Although I do not
> have solid numbers, I thought it was better in this regard than firefox.
I wrote two little scripts [1] that open five reddit.com threads in each
browser an print memory usage. The result was (besides my amazement
about how much RAM the browsers ate), that Firefox used up ca. 1.4G and
Iridium ca. 0.9G. I obviously haven't set up the same extensions, but it
seems like Iridium would be able to help me. I'm going to try it some
more. Thanks for the tip!

Best regards,
Richard Ulmer

printf 'Before starting Firefox:\n\t'
top | grep Memory
firefox --private-window 2>&1 > /dev/null &
sleep 5  # Wait for firefox to open
for i in c48qg7 c916tf c5n06b c0yvsz c2sco0; do
        firefox --private-window \
sleep 30  # Wait for all tabs to load
printf 'After starting Firefox:\n\t'
top | grep Memory

printf 'Before starting Iridium:\n\t'
top | grep Memory
iridium --incognito 2>&1 > /dev/null &
sleep 5  # Wait for Iridium to open
for i in c48qg7 c916tf c5n06b c0yvsz c2sco0; do
        iridium --incognito \
sleep 30  # Wait for all tabs to load
printf 'After starting Iridium:\n\t'
top | grep Memory

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