Using OpenBSD 6.5 (GENERIC.MP) #3: Sat Apr 13 14:48:43 MDT 2019

When booting the phone, the OpenBSD dhcp always cause the phone to give a 
message "dhcp error"
and the phone get no IP address.

After several days of desperation as to the cause of the error it tried the 
isc-dhcp-server from packages

The problem went away. The phones now work.

I have no idea what is causing the problem, and I would be happy to help in 
finding a fix.

Information that might help follows.

The dhcpd.conf used, and the Polycom logs

The dhcpd.conf that was used:

option  domain-name "xxxx.xx";
default-lease-time 14400;                 # 4 hours
max-lease-time 14400;
use-host-decl-names on;
subnet netmask {
       option routers;
       option domain-name-servers,;
       option ntp-servers;
       option tftp-server-name "tftp://";;
       option time-offset -18000;
       host X201 {
                   hardware ethernet 00:04:f2:2d:23:ad;
                    option host-name "X201";

       host X200 {
            hardware ethernet 00:04:f2:2c:95:3b;
                    option host-name "X200";

The Polycom logs (which seem to be useless)
When I boot using the OpenBSD dhcp, there is no IP address so I can't directly 
get the log.
I have to change back to the isc_dhcpd to get any log

The boot log:

000001.510|so   |*|00|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000001.510|so   |*|00|+++ Note that Updater log times are in GMT +++
000001.510|boot |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.510|copy |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.510|utilm|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.510|hw   |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.510|ethf |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.510|dns  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.510|curl |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.510|sec  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|wdog |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|lldp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.690|cdp  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.690|key  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: Model=SoundPoint IP 550, 
Assembly=2345-12500-001 Rev=R Region=
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: Board=2345-12500-001 1 0
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: MAC=0004f22c953b
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: BootBlock= (12500-001) 30-Nov-10 15:00
000001.690|so   |3|00|Application, main: Label=Updater, Version=Peridot 13-Jul-15 18:16
000001.690|so   |3|00|Application, main: P/N=3150-11069-511
000001.825|pmt  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.850|log  |*|00|Install file upload callback for 'Updater'

000001.855|app1 |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.875|cfg  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 2
000001.905|app1 |3|00|Application, load: Type=SIP, Version= 19-Jul-15 
000001.915|boot |*|00|Using TFFS for flash load
000001.920|boot |*|00|Code length:         0x003C5B16
000001.920|boot |*|00|Code checksum:       0x1E0FAA4C
000002.685|so   |3|00|Link status is Net up Speed 100 full Duplex, PC down.
000016.545|app1 |4|00|Loaded application sip.ld from local system successfully.
000001.515|so   |*|00|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000001.515|so   |*|00|+++ Note that Updater log times are in GMT +++
000001.515|boot |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|copy |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|utilm|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.515|hw   |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.515|ethf |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.515|dns  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|curl |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|sec  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|wdog |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|lldp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.690|cdp  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.690|key  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: Model=SoundPoint IP 550, 
Assembly=2345-12500-001 Rev=R Region=
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: Board=2345-12500-001 1 0
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: MAC=0004f22c953b
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: BootBlock= (12500-001) 30-Nov-10 15:00
000001.690|so   |3|00|Application, main: Label=Updater, Version=Peridot 13-Jul-15 18:16
000001.690|so   |3|00|Application, main: P/N=3150-11069-511
000001.815|pmt  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.855|log  |*|00|Install file upload callback for 'Updater'

000001.860|app1 |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.880|cfg  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 2
000001.910|app1 |3|00|Application, load: Type=SIP, Version= 19-Jul-15 
000001.920|boot |*|00|Using TFFS for flash load
000001.920|boot |*|00|Code length:         0x003C5B16
000001.920|boot |*|00|Code checksum:       0x1E0FAA4C
000002.690|so   |3|00|Link status is Net up Speed 100 full Duplex, PC down.
000016.550|app1 |4|00|Loaded application sip.ld from local system successfully.
000001.515|so   |*|00|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000001.515|so   |*|00|+++ Note that Updater log times are in GMT +++
000001.515|boot |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|copy |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|utilm|*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.515|hw   |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.515|ethf |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.515|dns  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|curl |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.515|sec  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|wdog |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|lldp |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.690|cdp  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.690|key  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: Model=SoundPoint IP 550, 
Assembly=2345-12500-001 Rev=R Region=
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: Board=2345-12500-001 1 0
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: MAC=0004f22c953b
000001.690|so   |3|00|Platform: BootBlock= (12500-001) 30-Nov-10 15:00
000001.690|so   |3|00|Application, main: Label=Updater, Version=Peridot 13-Jul-15 18:16
000001.690|so   |3|00|Application, main: P/N=3150-11069-511
000001.815|pmt  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.855|log  |*|00|Install file upload callback for 'Updater'

000001.860|app1 |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000001.880|cfg  |*|00|Initial log entry. Current logging level 2
000001.910|app1 |3|00|Application, load: Type=SIP, Version= 19-Jul-15 
000001.920|boot |*|00|Using TFFS for flash load
000001.925|boot |*|00|Code length:         0x003C5B16
000001.925|boot |*|00|Code checksum:       0x1E0FAA4C
000002.685|so   |3|00|Link status is Net up Speed 100 full Duplex, PC down.
000016.550|app1 |4|00|Loaded application sip.ld from local system successfully.

The app log

004422.382|app1 |*|03|Manual Reboot
004422.800|so   |*|03|SoNcasC::procMsg: Client service shutdown complete
004426.300|wdog |*|03|Watchdog Expired: tSupObjs, msgtype[4096]
000005.368|log  |*|03|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000005.370|so   |*|03|Platform: Model=SoundPoint IP 550, 
Assembly=2345-12500-001 Rev=R Region=
000005.370|so   |*|03|Platform: Interface    eth0 MAC=0004f22c953b
000005.370|so   |*|03|Platform: BootBlock= (12500-001) 30-Nov-10 15:00
000005.370|so   |*|03|Platform: Updater= 13-Jul-15 18:16
000005.370|so   |*|03|Application, main: Label=SIP, Version=PrairieDog 19-Jul-15 19:59
000005.370|so   |*|03|Application, main: P/N=3150-11530-411
000005.370|rdisk|*|03|RAM disk created, size: 2,097,152 bytes
000005.372|ocsp |*|03|O.C.S.P. Enabled = 0
000005.372|tls  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.418|pmt  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|wdog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|ethf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|hw   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|ares |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|dns  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|cfg  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.420|cfg  |*|03|Prm|cfgParamBaseProfileUpdate: Using Base Profile Generic
000005.424|dot1x|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.490|lic  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.710|curl |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.710|utilm|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.710|copy |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.710|rtos |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.712|sec  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.716|so   |*|03|Configuration files: site.cfg
000005.716|so   |*|03|Configuration file "site.cfg" SHA1 digest: 
000005.722|log  |*|03|Log render level set to 1
000005.792|srtp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.794|res  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.796|httpa|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.796|lldp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.798|cdp  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.800|sys  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.802|tickt|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000006.364|utilm|4|03|uBLFUnCompressed: File 
/ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/sip.usr doesn't exist or is empty
000006.384|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy key to new slot
000006.394|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy cert to new slot
000006.402|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy SIP user to new slot
000006.410|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy SIP uuid to new slot
000006.418|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy server to new slot
000006.448|loc  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000006.984|ssps |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.360|so   |*|03|System Info Reports:
000009.360|so   |*|03|    CPU is TNETV1055/C55x, rev 2 running at 125.000MHz 
with memory at 125.000MHz.
000009.360|so   |*|03|    Board is identified as PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550.
000009.360|so   |*|03|    DRAM_LO: 0x94000000.  DRAM_SIZE: 32 MB
000009.360|so   |*|03|    Clocks are VBUSP: 125.000MHz, VBUS: 62.500MHz, USB: 
25.000MHz, LCD: 31.250MHz, DSP: 100.000MHz.
000009.360|so   |*|03|  NOR flash detected is 12
000009.360|key  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.366|httpd|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|push |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.368|ht   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.370|dbuf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.372|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: Label=PolyDSP Titan Mem1 FS3, 
Version= 11-Jul-12 16:58
000009.374|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: P/N=3150-11580-613.
000009.374|ice  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.376|pps  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.376|sip  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.376|sipt |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.376|sipp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.380|ptt  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.652|so   |*|03|Using TCP IP Media Port, configured initial RTP port 2222
000009.658|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.impossibleMatchHandling requested 
type 2 but is of type 0
000009.704|usb  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.706|sshc |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.706|cfg  |4|03|Dir|regAppCb set
000009.710|usb  |4|03|soUsbInit: USB features are disabled
000009.710|cmp  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.710|wmgr |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.728|slog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000009.912|app1 |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.922|app1 |4|03|StatusBar is disabled
000009.940|mb   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.984|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() Number Of Line Keys = 4
000009.984|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = X200
000010.020|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = I200
000010.056|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = S200
000010.092|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = eff
000010.128|app1 |5|03|pUsbRecordPlayer_m=0x957adc00, 
000010.420|ldap |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000010.470|efk  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.014|app1 |4|03|getCfgParams
000020.868|cfg  |*|03|RT|Do not do DHCP VLAN Discovery.
000020.868|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Phone IP address is
000020.870|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Subnet mask is
000020.870|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Gateway address is
000020.870|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS server is
000020.870|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS alternate server is
000020.870|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS domain is
000020.870|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Time server is
000020.872|dns  |*|03|DNS resolver servers are '' ''
000020.872|dns  |*|03|DNS resolver search domain is ''
000020.874|cfg  |*|03|RT|Primary IP changed to subnet mask
000020.874|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Phone IP address is
000020.876|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Subnet mask is
000020.876|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Gateway address is
000020.876|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS server is
000020.876|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS alternate server is
000020.876|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS domain is
000020.876|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Time server is
000021.046|so   |*|03|Network initialized. Starting network tasks.
000021.048|ice  |5|03|Network ICE stack failed to initialize in 5000 ms
000021.048|log  |*|03|Install file upload callback for 'so'

000021.064|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.066|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:X200 Dsp:X200 Auth:'X200' Inx:0
000021.082|sip  |4|03|NAPTR query for host '' returned no 
000021.084|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.088|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.092|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.094|app1 |4|03|[AppHybridC::procCfgParamChange] unexpected line 
000021.098|app1 |*|03|Ctx [1] Registered [false]
000021.104|app1 |*|03|Ctx [2] Registered [false]
000021.110|app1 |*|03|Ctx [3] Registered [false]
000021.156|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Starting to update 2345-12500-001.sip.ld
000021.456|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
000021.582|sip  |*|03|Fast Boot Measurement Point: Ready for Call, uptime: 
21.582 sec.
000021.584|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:I200 Dsp:Info Auth:'I200' Inx:1
000021.596|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:S200 Dsp:S200 Auth:'S200' Inx:2
000021.608|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:eff Dsp:eff Auth:'eff' Inx:3
000022.396|app1 |*|03|Ctx [1] Registered [true]
000022.532|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Starting to update 2345-12500-001.sip.ld
000022.734|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
000023.460|sip  |4|03|Registration failed User: X200, Error Code:401 
000023.502|app1 |*|03|Ctx [2] Registered [true]
000024.994|app1 |*|03|Ctx [3] Registered [true]
000104.648|app1 |*|03|Ctx [0] Registered [true]
000342.612|net  |4|03|rtosNetwork: netwTask() - recvfrom err: 0 len=0.
001242.618|app1 |*|03|Manual Reboot
001243.726|so   |*|03|SoNcasC::procMsg: Client service shutdown complete
001247.712|wdog |*|03|Watchdog Expired: tSupObjs, msgtype[4096]
000005.456|log  |*|03|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000005.458|so   |*|03|Platform: Model=SoundPoint IP 550, 
Assembly=2345-12500-001 Rev=R Region=
000005.458|so   |*|03|Platform: Interface    eth0 MAC=0004f22c953b
000005.458|so   |*|03|Platform: BootBlock= (12500-001) 30-Nov-10 15:00
000005.458|so   |*|03|Platform: Updater= 13-Jul-15 18:16
000005.458|so   |*|03|Application, main: Label=SIP, Version=PrairieDog 19-Jul-15 19:59
000005.458|so   |*|03|Application, main: P/N=3150-11530-411
000005.458|rdisk|*|03|RAM disk created, size: 2,097,152 bytes
000005.460|ocsp |*|03|O.C.S.P. Enabled = 0
000005.462|tls  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.506|pmt  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|wdog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|ethf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|hw   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|ares |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|dns  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|cfg  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.508|cfg  |*|03|Prm|cfgParamBaseProfileUpdate: Using Base Profile Generic
000005.512|dot1x|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.578|lic  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.800|curl |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.800|utilm|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.800|copy |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.800|rtos |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.802|sec  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.804|so   |*|03|Configuration files: site.cfg
000005.804|so   |*|03|Configuration file "site.cfg" SHA1 digest: 
000005.810|log  |*|03|Log render level set to 1
000005.874|srtp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.878|res  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.880|httpa|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.880|lldp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.880|cdp  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.884|sys  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.886|tickt|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000006.448|utilm|4|03|uBLFUnCompressed: File 
/ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/sip.usr doesn't exist or is empty
000006.468|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy key to new slot
000006.476|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy cert to new slot
000006.484|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy SIP user to new slot
000006.494|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy SIP uuid to new slot
000006.502|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy server to new slot
000006.532|loc  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.108|ssps |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.484|so   |*|03|System Info Reports:
000009.484|so   |*|03|    CPU is TNETV1055/C55x, rev 2 running at 125.000MHz 
with memory at 125.000MHz.
000009.484|so   |*|03|    Board is identified as PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550.
000009.484|so   |*|03|    DRAM_LO: 0x94000000.  DRAM_SIZE: 32 MB
000009.484|so   |*|03|    Clocks are VBUSP: 125.000MHz, VBUS: 62.500MHz, USB: 
25.000MHz, LCD: 31.250MHz, DSP: 100.000MHz.
000009.484|so   |*|03|  NOR flash detected is 12
000009.484|key  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.490|httpd|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|push |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|ht   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.492|dbuf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.496|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: Label=PolyDSP Titan Mem1 FS3, 
Version= 11-Jul-12 16:58
000009.496|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: P/N=3150-11580-613.
000009.496|ice  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.500|pps  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.500|sip  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.500|sipt |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.500|sipp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.504|ptt  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.766|so   |*|03|Using TCP IP Media Port, configured initial RTP port 2222
000009.776|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.impossibleMatchHandling requested 
type 2 but is of type 0
000009.822|usb  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.822|sshc |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.822|cfg  |4|03|Dir|regAppCb set
000009.826|usb  |4|03|soUsbInit: USB features are disabled
000009.826|cmp  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.826|wmgr |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.846|slog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000010.028|app1 |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000010.038|app1 |4|03|StatusBar is disabled
000010.056|mb   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000010.102|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() Number Of Line Keys = 4
000010.102|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = X200
000010.136|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = I200
000010.174|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = S200
000010.208|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = eff
000010.246|app1 |5|03|pUsbRecordPlayer_m=0x957adc30, 
000010.540|ldap |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000010.588|efk  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.134|app1 |4|03|getCfgParams
000021.330|cfg  |*|03|RT|Do not do DHCP VLAN Discovery.
000021.330|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Phone IP address is
000021.332|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Subnet mask is
000021.332|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Gateway address is
000021.332|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS server is
000021.332|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS alternate server is
000021.332|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS domain is
000021.332|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Time server is
000021.334|dns  |*|03|DNS resolver servers are '' ''
000021.334|dns  |*|03|DNS resolver search domain is ''
000021.336|cfg  |*|03|RT|Primary IP changed to subnet mask
000021.336|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Phone IP address is
000021.336|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Subnet mask is
000021.336|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Gateway address is
000021.338|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS server is
000021.338|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS alternate server is
000021.338|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS domain is
000021.338|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Time server is
000021.510|so   |*|03|Network initialized. Starting network tasks.
000021.512|ice  |5|03|Network ICE stack failed to initialize in 5000 ms
000021.512|log  |*|03|Install file upload callback for 'so'

000021.526|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.530|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.534|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.536|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.540|app1 |4|03|[AppHybridC::procCfgParamChange] unexpected line 
000021.544|app1 |*|03|Ctx [1] Registered [false]
000021.550|app1 |*|03|Ctx [2] Registered [false]
000021.554|app1 |*|03|Ctx [3] Registered [false]
000021.562|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:X200 Dsp:X200 Auth:'X200' Inx:0
000021.576|sip  |4|03|NAPTR query for host '' returned no 
000021.584|sip  |*|03|Fast Boot Measurement Point: Ready for Call, uptime: 
21.584 sec.
000021.584|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:I200 Dsp:Info Auth:'I200' Inx:1
000021.596|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:S200 Dsp:S200 Auth:'S200' Inx:2
000021.608|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:eff Dsp:eff Auth:'eff' Inx:3
000021.688|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Starting to update 2345-12500-001.sip.ld
000021.886|app1 |*|03|Ctx [0] Registered [true]
000022.304|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
000022.456|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Starting to update 2345-12500-001.sip.ld
000022.680|app1 |*|03|Ctx [1] Registered [true]
000022.684|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
000024.362|app1 |*|03|Ctx [2] Registered [true]
000025.388|app1 |*|03|Ctx [3] Registered [true]
000042.772|net  |4|03|rtosNetwork: netwTask() - recvfrom err: 0 len=0.
000629.832|utilm|4|03|sntpcTimeGet: server is out of sync [0xDC]
0610210726|log  |4|03|UtilLogC: Upload succeeded. (ConsecutiveFailures 1 Total 
1 MsgSendErr 0)
0610210727|utilm|4|03|sntpcTimeGet: server is out of sync [0xDC]
0610212029|app1 |*|03|Manual Reboot
0610212030|so   |*|03|SoNcasC::procMsg: Client service shutdown complete
0610212030|wdog |*|03|Watchdog Expired: tSupObjs, msgtype[4096]
000005.372|log  |*|03|---------- Initial log entry ----------
000005.374|so   |*|03|Platform: Model=SoundPoint IP 550, 
Assembly=2345-12500-001 Rev=R Region=
000005.374|so   |*|03|Platform: Interface    eth0 MAC=0004f22c953b
000005.374|so   |*|03|Platform: BootBlock= (12500-001) 30-Nov-10 15:00
000005.374|so   |*|03|Platform: Updater= 13-Jul-15 18:16
000005.374|so   |*|03|Application, main: Label=SIP, Version=PrairieDog 19-Jul-15 19:59
000005.374|so   |*|03|Application, main: P/N=3150-11530-411
000005.374|rdisk|*|03|RAM disk created, size: 2,097,152 bytes
000005.376|ocsp |*|03|O.C.S.P. Enabled = 0
000005.378|tls  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.422|pmt  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|wdog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|ethf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|hw   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|ares |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|dns  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|cfg  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.424|cfg  |*|03|Prm|cfgParamBaseProfileUpdate: Using Base Profile Generic
000005.428|dot1x|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.494|lic  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.716|curl |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.716|utilm|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.716|copy |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.716|rtos |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.716|sec  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.726|so   |*|03|Configuration files: site.cfg
000005.726|so   |*|03|Configuration file "site.cfg" SHA1 digest: 
000005.732|log  |*|03|Log render level set to 1
000005.792|srtp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.794|res  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.798|httpa|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.798|lldp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.798|cdp  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.800|sys  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000005.802|tickt|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000006.370|utilm|4|03|uBLFUnCompressed: File 
/ffs0/Config/Local/WebTicket/0/sip.usr doesn't exist or is empty
000006.390|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy key to new slot
000006.398|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy cert to new slot
000006.408|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy SIP user to new slot
000006.416|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy SIP uuid to new slot
000006.424|tickt|4|03|soWebTicketCertMove: Could not copy server to new slot
000006.454|loc  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000007.032|ssps |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.408|so   |*|03|System Info Reports:
000009.408|so   |*|03|    CPU is TNETV1055/C55x, rev 2 running at 125.000MHz 
with memory at 125.000MHz.
000009.408|so   |*|03|    Board is identified as PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_550.
000009.408|so   |*|03|    DRAM_LO: 0x94000000.  DRAM_SIZE: 32 MB
000009.408|so   |*|03|    Clocks are VBUSP: 125.000MHz, VBUS: 62.500MHz, USB: 
25.000MHz, LCD: 31.250MHz, DSP: 100.000MHz.
000009.408|so   |*|03|  NOR flash detected is 12
000009.408|key  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|httpd|*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|push |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|poll |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|ht   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.416|dbuf |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.420|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: Label=PolyDSP Titan Mem1 FS3, 
Version= 11-Jul-12 16:58
000009.420|ssps |*|03|Application, comp. 1: P/N=3150-11580-613.
000009.420|ice  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.424|pps  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.424|sip  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.424|sipt |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.424|sipp |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.428|ptt  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.688|so   |*|03|Using TCP IP Media Port, configured initial RTP port 2222
000009.698|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.impossibleMatchHandling requested 
type 2 but is of type 0
000009.744|usb  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.746|sshc |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.746|cfg  |4|03|Dir|regAppCb set
000009.748|usb  |4|03|soUsbInit: USB features are disabled
000009.750|cmp  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.750|wmgr |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.774|slog |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 3
000009.952|app1 |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000009.962|app1 |4|03|StatusBar is disabled
000009.980|mb   |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000010.026|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() Number Of Line Keys = 4
000010.026|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = X200
000010.060|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = I200
000010.098|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = S200
000010.132|app1 |*|03|AppPhoneC::AppPhoneC() - new AppRegLineC, szUser = eff
000010.170|app1 |5|03|pUsbRecordPlayer_m=0x957adc70, 
000010.462|ldap |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000010.512|efk  |*|03|Initial log entry. Current logging level 4
000011.048|app1 |4|03|getCfgParams
000020.798|cfg  |*|03|RT|Do not do DHCP VLAN Discovery.
000020.798|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Phone IP address is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Subnet mask is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Gateway address is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS server is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS alternate server is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS domain is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Time server is
000020.800|cfg  |*|03|RT|   GMT offset is -18000 seconds.
000020.800|dns  |*|03|DNS resolver servers are '' ''
000020.802|dns  |*|03|DNS resolver search domain is ''
000020.804|cfg  |*|03|RT|Primary IP changed to subnet mask
000020.804|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Phone IP address is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Subnet mask is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Gateway address is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS server is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS alternate server is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   DNS domain is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   Time server is
000020.806|cfg  |*|03|RT|   GMT offset is -18000 seconds.
000020.980|so   |*|03|Network initialized. Starting network tasks.
000020.982|ice  |5|03|Network ICE stack failed to initialize in 5000 ms
000020.982|log  |*|03|Install file upload callback for 'so'

000020.996|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.000|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.002|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.006|cfg  |5|03|Prm|Parameter dialplan.digitmap.count requested type 2 
but is of type 0
000021.010|app1 |4|03|[AppHybridC::procCfgParamChange] unexpected line 
000021.014|app1 |*|03|Ctx [1] Registered [false]
000021.018|app1 |*|03|Ctx [2] Registered [false]
000021.024|app1 |*|03|Ctx [3] Registered [false]
000021.030|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:X200 Dsp:X200 Auth:'X200' Inx:0
000021.044|sip  |4|03|NAPTR query for host '' returned no 
000021.052|sip  |*|03|Fast Boot Measurement Point: Ready for Call, uptime: 
21.052 sec.
000021.054|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:I200 Dsp:Info Auth:'I200' Inx:1
000021.066|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:S200 Dsp:S200 Auth:'S200' Inx:2
000021.078|sip  |*|03|Sip Register Usr:eff Dsp:eff Auth:'eff' Inx:3
000021.338|app1 |*|03|Ctx [0] Registered [true]
000021.800|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Starting to update 2345-12500-001.sip.ld
000022.046|app1 |*|03|Ctx [1] Registered [true]
000022.396|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
000022.538|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Starting to update 2345-12500-001.sip.ld
000022.772|cfg  |*|03|Prov|Finished updating configuration
000023.840|app1 |*|03|Ctx [2] Registered [true]
000024.646|app1 |*|03|Ctx [3] Registered [true]

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