On 2/13/06, Dave Feustel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 13 February 2006 14:52, Jason Crawford wrote:
> > You cannot learn all there is to know about bpf and how to effectively
> > use it in 10 minutes, so you, personally, do NOT need to use bpf at
> > all. It's what the other utilities like pf and tcpdump use to do what
> > they do. The utilities are nice user friendly wrappers to the bpf
> > interfaces, and someone with your experience (lack there of?) should
> > probably not be touching bpf directly. bpf is very powerful and very
> > useful, but you really need to understand a lot more than what you
> > have grasped so far to use bpf effectively.
> Well, one thing is for certain, the caustic responders to this thread aren't 
> psychic.
> So let's try   a   r e a l   s i m p l e   q u e s t i o n :
> What OpenBSD programs use bpf.
> Please don't try to figure out why I am asking the question.
> Just answer it or go do something else that won't upset you.

You're right, none of the responders are psychic, which is why if you
don't include some information, the responses may be inaccurate.
Reading the man page (and some unix common sense) will easily answer
that for you. 1) you have all the source code 2) the man page says
what exact include file bpf has for it's ioctl interface and 3) you
can use find and/or grep to search text files. It's really not hard,
just try to actually think. While you may get upset about this kind of
stuff, I have much better and more important things to worry about.
Trust me, nothing on an internet mailing list is that important to me.


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