On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 01:11:41PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> It seems delve which is suggested by golang.org due to optimised binary 
> support
> expects a Linux /proc and Linux threads (FreeBSD delve github issue tracker). 
> So
> I guess without delve then building unoptimised binaries would be required 
> which
> is possibly to be expected when debugging. I'm not sure that should make delve
> the preferred tool, if it is platform centric!
> Does anyone debug golang on OpenBSD and can advise on llvm/gcc or provide any
> other insight?

I use Go on OpenBSD a lot, and I have always done my serious debugging using
Printf or logging.  I would like to use delve as well, and have considered 
getting it to work on OpenBSD.


It looks like there is current work getting it supported in FreeBSD.
Would that be a better starting point for OpenBSD?

I'm pretty noob at C, but I have recently been learning it pretty seriously.
(for whatever that's worth)

I guess I'm not adding much except that Go on OpenBSD is great, and I have never
been stuck by not having delve.



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