On Thu, 23 May 2019, Otto Moerbeek wrote:

You must be doing something wrong. Since it installer surely leats you
use a custom label. But since you are not showgin waht you did and you
start insulting remarks, you won't get much help.

Excuse me, although my words was not flowers, they were no insult.
And there was no intention to insult, but it is realy nerving to deal
with this web console. I cannot even do "copy and paste" in it for
showing what I did. That is why I described it. It is sure a bug there.
As said: it is not my previous experience with OpenBSD.

There is sure a bug there:

(1) if you installed a label before, the installer does not offer
    it to you.

(2) it changes the "custom label" you write in the process. Really
    changes it. That can never be something else than a bug.

(3) "disklabel -E /dev/sd0" puts alway cpg=1. The installer in
    the autoinstall puts numbers like 10277, 16384.


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