I've tried the new amdgpu driver on my RX460 (4G VRAM), and it seems to work 
reasonably. KMS picks up the appropriate console resolution, and X appears to 
work. There is some strange behavior with xrandr when setting rotation on one 
my displays (1920x1200->1200x1920) that I don't quite understand; its idea of 
the mouse pointer's position seems to be confused. Changing virtual desktop 
by disabling displays outright doesn't seem to cause any problems. I can play 
with it more and report further if that information would be helpful. OpenGL 
seems to work, but not entirely correctly. I only had time today to test 
glxgears (fine) and 0ad (some obvious artifacts, and doesn't quite reach 60fps 
at 1920x1200 as it should be able to, presumably has something to do with the 
powerplay error visible in dmesg; images available on request. I also see 
display corruption in my xterms after exiting, which is resolved by restarting 
X). dmesg quickly fills up with stub messages upon starting X, but I assume 
that's known. :) If there's anything I can test on this hardware to assist 
development, I'm happy to do so. dmesg without X, post fw_update:

OpenBSD 6.5-current (GENERIC.AMDGPU.MP) #0: Wed May 22 19:51:55 EDT 2019
real mem = 17111023616 (16318MB)
avail mem = 16579829760 (15811MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 3.2 @ 0xe8980 (56 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "F25" date 01/16/2019
bios0: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. AB350M-Gaming 3
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices GPP0(S4) GPP1(S4) GPP3(S4) GPP4(S4) GPP5(S4) GPP6(S4) 
GPPF(S4) GP17(S4) [...]
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 32 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.87 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu0: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu0: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 99MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu1: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu1: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu1: smt 1, core 0, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu2: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu2: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu2: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu2: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu2: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 3 (application processor)
cpu3: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu3: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu3: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu3: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu3: smt 1, core 1, package 0
cpu4 at mainbus0: apid 4 (application processor)
cpu4: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu4: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu4: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu4: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu4: smt 0, core 2, package 0
cpu5 at mainbus0: apid 5 (application processor)
cpu5: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu5: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu5: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu5: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu5: smt 1, core 2, package 0
cpu6 at mainbus0: apid 6 (application processor)
cpu6: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu6: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu6: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu6: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu6: smt 0, core 3, package 0
cpu7 at mainbus0: apid 7 (application processor)
cpu7: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu7: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu7: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu7: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu7: smt 1, core 3, package 0
cpu8 at mainbus0: apid 8 (application processor)
cpu8: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu8: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu8: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu8: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu8: smt 0, core 4, package 0
cpu9 at mainbus0: apid 9 (application processor)
cpu9: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu9: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu9: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu9: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu9: smt 1, core 4, package 0
cpu10 at mainbus0: apid 10 (application processor)
cpu10: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu10: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu10: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu10: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu10: smt 0, core 5, package 0
cpu11 at mainbus0: apid 11 (application processor)
cpu11: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu11: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu11: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu11: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu11: smt 1, core 5, package 0
cpu12 at mainbus0: apid 12 (application processor)
cpu12: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu12: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu12: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu12: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu12: smt 0, core 6, package 0
cpu13 at mainbus0: apid 13 (application processor)
cpu13: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu13: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu13: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu13: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu13: smt 1, core 6, package 0
cpu14 at mainbus0: apid 14 (application processor)
cpu14: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu14: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu14: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu14: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu14: smt 0, core 7, package 0
cpu15 at mainbus0: apid 15 (application processor)
cpu15: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor, 2994.38 MHz, 17-01-01
cpu15: 64KB 64b/line 4-way I-cache, 32KB 64b/line 8-way D-cache, 512KB 64b/line 
8-way L2 cache, 16MB 64b/line 16-way L3 cache
cpu15: ITLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu15: DTLB 64 4KB entries fully associative, 64 4MB entries fully associative
cpu15: smt 1, core 7, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 17 pa 0xfec00000, version 21, 24 pins, can't remap
ioapic1 at mainbus0: apid 18 pa 0xfec01000, version 21, 32 pins, can't remap
acpimcfg0 at acpi0
acpimcfg0: addr 0xf8000000, bus 0-63
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318180 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 1 (GPP0)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP1)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP3)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP4)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP5)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP6)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP7)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus 7 (GPP8)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPP9)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPPA)
acpiprt11 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPPB)
acpiprt12 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPPC)
acpiprt13 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPPD)
acpiprt14 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPPE)
acpiprt15 at acpi0: bus -1 (GPPF)
acpiprt16 at acpi0: bus 8 (GP17)
acpiprt17 at acpi0: bus 9 (GP18)
acpiprt18 at acpi0: bus 2 (GPP2)
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu4 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu5 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu6 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu7 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu8 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu9 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), C1(@1 
halt!), PSS
acpicpu10 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), 
C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu11 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), 
C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu12 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), 
C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu13 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), 
C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu14 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), 
C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpicpu15 at acpi0: C1 bad (state 1 has no substates): C2(0@400 io@0x414), 
C1(@1 halt!), PSS
acpipci0 at acpi0 PCI0: 0x00000010 0x00000011 0x00000000
acpicmos0 at acpi0
acpibtn0 at acpi0: PWRB
"AMDI0030" at acpi0 not configured
"AMDIF030" at acpi0 not configured
"PNP0C14" at acpi0 not configured
cpu0: 2994 MHz: speeds: 3000 2700 1550 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h Root Complex" rev 0x00
"AMD AMD64 17h IOMMU" rev 0x00 at pci0 dev 0 function 2 not configured
pchb1 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 1 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00: msi
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
nvme0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "SanDisk WD Black NVMe" rev 0x00: apic 18 int 0, 
NVMe 1.2
nvme0: WDC WDS256G1X0C-00ENX0, firmware B35500WD, serial 170369420277
scsibus1 at nvme0: 1 targets
sd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <NVMe, WDC WDS256G1X0C-, B355> SCSI4 0/direct 
sd0: 244198MB, 512 bytes/sector, 500118192 sectors
ppb1 at pci0 dev 1 function 3 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00: msi
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
xhci0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "AMD 300 Series xHCI" rev 0x02: msi, xHCI 1.10
usb0 at xhci0: USB revision 3.0
uhub0 at usb0 configuration 1 interface 0 "AMD xHCI root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 
addr 1
ahci0 at pci2 dev 0 function 1 "AMD 300 Series SATA" rev 0x02: msi, AHCI 1.3.1
ahci0: port busy after first PMP probe FIS
ahci0: port busy after first PMP probe FIS
ahci0: port 0: 6.0Gb/s
ahci0: port busy after first PMP probe FIS
ahci0: port busy after first PMP probe FIS
ahci0: port 1: 6.0Gb/s
ahci0: port busy after first PMP probe FIS
ahci0: port busy after first PMP probe FIS
ahci0: port 5: 1.5Gb/s
scsibus2 at ahci0: 32 targets
sd1 at scsibus2 targ 0 lun 0: <ATA, ST2000DM006-2DM1, CC26> SCSI3 0/direct 
fixed naa.5000c500a429d7ff
sd1: 1907729MB, 512 bytes/sector, 3907029168 sectors
sd2 at scsibus2 targ 1 lun 0: <ATA, WDC WD1003FZEX-0, 01.0> SCSI3 0/direct 
fixed naa.50014ee25f3831b9
sd2: 953869MB, 512 bytes/sector, 1953525168 sectors
cd0 at scsibus2 targ 5 lun 0: <HP, DVD Writer 1260d, KH24> ATAPI 5/cdrom 
ppb2 at pci2 dev 0 function 2 vendor "AMD", unknown product 0x43b2 rev 0x02
pci3 at ppb2 bus 3
ppb3 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "AMD 300 Series PCIE" rev 0x02: msi
pci4 at ppb3 bus 4
re0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek 8168" rev 0x0c: RTL8168G/8111G (0x4c00), 
msi, address 1c:1b:0d:9b:80:c6
rgephy0 at re0 phy 7: RTL8251 PHY, rev. 0
ppb4 at pci3 dev 1 function 0 "AMD 300 Series PCIE" rev 0x02: msi
pci5 at ppb4 bus 5
rtwn0 at pci5 dev 0 function 0 "Realtek RTL8192CE" rev 0x01: msi
rtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8192CE, RF 6052 2T2R, address e4:be:ed:4f:1c:cb
ppb5 at pci3 dev 4 function 0 "AMD 300 Series PCIE" rev 0x02: msi
pci6 at ppb5 bus 6
pchb2 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
pchb3 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
ppb6 at pci0 dev 3 function 1 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00: msi
pci7 at ppb6 bus 7
amdgpu0 at pci7 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Polaris 11" rev 0xcf
drm0 at amdgpu0
amdgpu0: msi
azalia0 at pci7 dev 0 function 1 "ATI Radeon Pro Audio" rev 0x00: msi
azalia0: no supported codecs
pchb4 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
pchb5 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
ppb7 at pci0 dev 7 function 1 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
pci8 at ppb7 bus 8
vendor "AMD", unknown product 0x145a (class instrumentation unknown subclass 
0x00, rev 0x00) at pci8 dev 0 function 0 not configured
ccp0 at pci8 dev 0 function 2 "AMD AMD64 17h Crypto" rev 0x00
xhci1 at pci8 dev 0 function 3 "AMD AMD64 17h xHCI" rev 0x00: msi, xHCI 1.0
usb1 at xhci1: USB revision 3.0
uhub1 at usb1 configuration 1 interface 0 "AMD xHCI root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 
addr 1
pchb6 at pci0 dev 8 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
ppb8 at pci0 dev 8 function 1 "AMD AMD64 17h PCIE" rev 0x00
pci9 at ppb8 bus 9
vendor "AMD", unknown product 0x1455 (class instrumentation unknown subclass 
0x00, rev 0x00) at pci9 dev 0 function 0 not configured
ahci1 at pci9 dev 0 function 2 "AMD FCH AHCI" rev 0x51: msi, AHCI 1.3.1
scsibus3 at ahci1: 32 targets
azalia1 at pci9 dev 0 function 3 "AMD AMD64 17h HD Audio" rev 0x00: apic 18 int 
azalia1: codecs: Realtek/0x0887
audio0 at azalia1
"AMD FCH SMBus" rev 0x59 at pci0 dev 20 function 0 not configured
pcib0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "AMD FCH LPC" rev 0x51
pchb7 at pci0 dev 24 function 0 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb8 at pci0 dev 24 function 1 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb9 at pci0 dev 24 function 2 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb10 at pci0 dev 24 function 3 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb11 at pci0 dev 24 function 4 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb12 at pci0 dev 24 function 5 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb13 at pci0 dev 24 function 6 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
pchb14 at pci0 dev 24 function 7 "AMD AMD64 17h Data Fabric" rev 0x00
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8/8 irq 3: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
vmm0 at mainbus0: SVM/RVI
efifb at mainbus0 not configured
uhub2 at uhub0 port 8 configuration 1 interface 0 "Genesys Logic USB Hub" rev 
1.01/0.12 addr 2
uhidev0 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 
2.00/12.01 addr 3
uhidev0: iclass 3/1
ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
uhidev1 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 
2.00/12.01 addr 3
uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z and W dir
wsmouse1 at ums0 mux 0
uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhidev2 at uhub2 port 1 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" rev 
2.00/12.01 addr 3
uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
uhidev3 at uhub2 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "ELECOM ELECOM TrackBall 
Mouse" rev 2.00/1.10 addr 4
uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 6 report ids
ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 1: 5 buttons, Z and W dir
wsmouse2 at ums1 mux 0
uhid7 at uhidev3 reportid 2: input=7, output=0, feature=0
uhid8 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid9 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhid10 at uhidev3 reportid 5: input=2, output=0, feature=0
uhid11 at uhidev3 reportid 6: input=0, output=0, feature=7
uaudio0 at uhub2 port 4 configuration 1 interface 1 "Burr-Brown from TI USB 
Audio CODEC" rev 1.10/1.00 addr 5
uaudio0: class v1, full-speed, sync, channels: 2 play, 2 rec, 3 ctls
audio1 at uaudio0
uhidev4 at uhub2 port 4 configuration 1 interface 3 "Burr-Brown from TI USB 
Audio CODEC" rev 1.10/1.00 addr 5
uhidev4: iclass 3/0
uhid12 at uhidev4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
uhidev5 at uhub0 port 9 configuration 1 interface 0 "Unicomp Endura Pro 
Keyboard" rev 1.10/43.34 addr 6
uhidev5: iclass 3/1
ukbd1 at uhidev5: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
uhidev6 at uhub0 port 9 configuration 1 interface 1 "Unicomp Endura Pro 
Keyboard" rev 1.10/43.34 addr 6
uhidev6: iclass 3/1, 3 report ids
ums2 at uhidev6 reportid 1: 3 buttons, Z dir
wsmouse3 at ums2 mux 0
uhid13 at uhidev6 reportid 2: input=2, output=0, feature=0
uhid14 at uhidev6 reportid 3: input=1, output=0, feature=0
ugen0 at uhub0 port 10 "Mustek Systems 1200 UB" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 7
umass0 at uhub1 port 7 configuration 1 interface 0 "Kingston Multi-Reader" rev 
3.00/12.27 addr 2
umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
scsibus4 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
sd3 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 0: <, Multi-Reader -0, 1.00> SCSI4 0/direct removable
sd4 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 1: <, Multi-Reader -1, 1.00> SCSI4 0/direct removable
sd5 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 2: <, Multi-Reader -2, 1.00> SCSI4 0/direct removable
sd6 at scsibus4 targ 1 lun 3: <, Multi-Reader -3, 1.00> SCSI4 0/direct removable
vscsi0 at root
scsibus5 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus6 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on sd0a (42df4e8d783b4288.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
amdgpu_irq_add_domain: stub
amdgpu_device_resize_fb_bar: stub
amdgpu: [powerplay] Failed to retrieve minimum clocks.
[drm] dce110_link_encoder_construct: Failed to get encoder_cap_info from VBIOS 
with error code 4!
[drm] dce110_link_encoder_construct: Failed to get encoder_cap_info from VBIOS 
with error code 4!
amdgpu0: 1920x1080, 32bpp
wsdisplay0 at amdgpu0 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation), using wskbd0
wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)

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