On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 12:18:44AM -0500, Joe Nelson wrote:
> Matthias Kilian wrote:
> > ps: please note that I'm not subscribed to misc@ with my 'real'
> > mail account, only with a crappy gmail account I'm only reading on
> > my tablet (from which I forwarded your mail to my real address). So
> > better cc' me if you've any other questions ;-)
> FYI, the way you replied to the original message broke the reply chain
> in my mail reader (Mutt). You should include an "In-Reply-To" message
> header that references the Message-ID of the mail to which you are
> replying. I know it might be a little tricky from your tablet setup, but
> wanted to bring it to your attention if you weren't aware.

I'm very well aware of it, and I've a really smart solution for the
problem: I'll never ever even try to give some helpful answer to
any of the mails on misc@

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