On 19/05/2019 02:08, Don Jackson wrote:
> I recently acquired a Supermicro 1019D-FRN8TP server with a X11SDV-8C-TP8 
> motherboard.
> When i attempt to install 6.5, (via PXE or USB), none of the network 
> interfaces are detected.
> A dmesg appears below, followed by a dmesg and ifconfig -a from successful 
> attempt installing FreeBSD 12.0
> Any advice/recommendations about how I can get OpenBSD to see the network 
> interfaces?
> I’m hoping there is a BIOS setting that will help, but haven’t found it yet…..

Hi Don,

I had a very similar problem yesterday.  It presented itself after a
firmware upgrade.  There are many anecdotes on the web about firmware
upgrades on Supermicro boards causing these types of problems.

I don't know what to suggest apart from the fact that there might be
some correlation between firmware and these problems.

Also, the X11SDV and C3000 boards are relatively new.  They are still
not fully supported by many operating systems.

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