On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 09:14:00AM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
> Jeremy O'Brien wrote:
> > I've snagged the 6.5 xenocara.tar.gz, patched it with just that above fix, 
> > and installed it on my system which has made X rock-stable for me. This is 
> > totally fine for me personally, but I was curious if other people have run 
> > into this issue on their 6.5 installs, and if so, is this something worth 
> > pushing a reliability errata out for? I'm unfamiliar with how the process 
> > traditionally works so please excuse me if the question is outlandish.
> security issues and major reliability issues. but we try not to spend all our
> time making errata. that fix may be a contender. depends on how widely
> reported it is.

vga arbiter is only used with multiple cards which isn't the common case

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