On 2019-05-09 13:53, Sebastian Benoit wrote:
bgpctl sh rib neigh <XXX> out
for all neighbors.

All empty.

Also look at
bgpctl sh rib best

Completely empty.

if any routes are actually selected - maybe the "nexthop qualify via
default" isnt working.

I see two things...
1) when run as "bgpd -dv" I get repeated notifications about the same next-hops, dunno if that's normal or not.
And 2) from bgpd.conf(5):

    route-collector (yes|no)
If set to yes, the route selection process is turned off. The
                 default is no.

and I have it set to yes, since this is supposed to behave like a route collector. Granted, with a single source of routes at the moment, I could turn that off... let's see what happens when I do:

Yup. That behaviour has definitely changed, somehow - taking a not-so-wild guess, it's likely _somehow_ related to claudio@'s introduction of Adj-Rib-Out but I'm not enough of a C programmer (or kernel routing expert) to say for sure.

For now, commenting out the "route-collector yes" line in bgpd.conf will work, but there's a (for me) minor regression. I have no idea which way the code is supposed to behave, so can't tell if this is a bug or a bugfix!

Based on CVS logs, it's probably a change introduced in rde.c after v1.442.


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