On 2019-04-30, Lyndon Nerenberg <lyn...@orthanc.ca> wrote:
>> Sadly, no :-(
>> But I should be able to accomplish what I need using rc.firsttime and
>> a tiny bit of hackery.
> Sadly, no :-(
> What I was aiming for was to have the newly installed machines come
> up with a 2GB MFS /tmp and a ~20GB /var/tmp.  But MFS /tmp really
> needs help in the system boot scripts.
> The critical part for us is that /var/tmp not overwhelm /var, and
> we can get that with the current scheme by sizing /tmp accordingly.
> --lyndon

My "workaround" when I've run into this during upgrades has been
to ditch the MFS /tmp and mount my previous /var/tmp partition there

If MFS was actually fast then doing this would make me sad, but it
isn't really, and sd0 is often on SSD these days...

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