I've used relayd to insert routes to a service based on a health check, and
then had ospfd advertise those routes.  That might be good enough for you.

On Fri., 19 Apr. 2019, 00:40 Henry Bonath, <he...@thebonaths.com> wrote:

> Does anyone suggest any clever way of controlling OSPFD based on the
> status of an HAProxy process?
> I like to use OSPFD to advertise /32 loopback IPs which HAProxy binds
> to for anycasted highly-available Reverse Proxy/Load Balancer
> services.
> This works great if the whole box goes down, as OSPF would no longer
> be advertising from that site, but if the HAProxy process fails for
> some reason, then it just goes down as the IP will stay in the OSPF
> table.
> I know there are tools like monit or supervisord which may help with
> this, but I wanted to see if anyone here may have any ideas on how to
> achieve this that I may be overlooking.
> Thanks!
> -Henry

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