<quote> GPON involves encryption keys (because the light is split off so that a handful of other customers have the same signal as you). In the UK this is exclusively done by a telco-provided box, they won't give you the keys to use in your own hardware. but it just spits out an ethernet connection that is tunneled to the ISP (typically done with pppoe, but not an absolute requirement), and would connect to a separate router which is either ISP-provided or your own.
(Dragging it slightly back on topic, OpenBSD works fine with the usual pppoe setup :) </quote> Yes, that is the case. I have and ZTE gear installed, optical+router+wireless+voip. There is a word here someone was able to move all setup to a single computer with a special optical board, eliminating the ISP equipment, just by monitoring the optical and extract the useful information. Of course the pppoe works fine on OpenBSD, I used it a lot when I was on the copper. Thanks.