Are you able to have 2 clients connected at the same time? When I tried
that (I am using mschap) whenever the 2nd client connects the 1st one's
traffic will not go through anymore (it stays connected but no traffic
can go through). 

I raised this a month ago but seems to have no response. Still trying
my luck.

> On 5 Apr 2019, at 9:39 AM, Matthew Ernisse <> wrote:
> I have not tried ECDSA, however I've had iOS and macOS devices
> running with iked since it came into OpenBSD using certificate auth
> with RSA 2048 certs and a RSA 4096 CA.
> I just recently wrote a blog post on it, it includes a general overview
> of how I did it and a fragment of my .mobileconfig and iked.conf.
> My VPN endpoint is currently running:
> OpenBSD 6.4 (GENERIC) #7: Thu Feb 28 18:10:07 CET 2019
> --Matt
>> On Apr 4, 2019, at 20:08, Tim Stewart <> wrote:
>> Hi Ted,
>> On 6/2/18 12:26 PM, Theodore Wynnychenko wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Last year (before about 3/27/2017 when "Add support for RFC4754 (ECDSA) and
>>> RFC7427 authentication" diff was committed to current), I had set up and had
>>> been able to connect iOS devices (iphone/ipad) to OpenBSD's iked, and have 
>>> ikev2
>>> VPN's happen, almost as if by, magic.
>>> Authentication was accomplished using certificates signed by a local 
>>> authority
>>> and then distributed to the iOS devices.
>>> Since 3/27/17, this has not been working.  I sent a couple of emails about 
>>> this
>>> last year (the initial one:
>>> Over the last year, I have tried many things.  Even though I don't know 
>>> anything
>>> about programming (or C), I tried making little changes to the iked source, 
>>> all
>>> without success.  (Is that any surprise? No.  I was amazed at times that my
>>> changes even resulted in a program that would actually start up and run.)
>>> I have tried creating several different CA's and certificates, using various
>>> different algorithms (ECDSA and RSA, with varying key lengths), all without
>>> success.  For example, I just tried creating a CA and certificates with
>>> ECDSA384/SHA2-384; I distribute those to the iOS device (which supports 
>>> them),
>>> but, iked will not accept them and create a tunnel.
>>> In iked.conf, if I don't explicitly state something like "ecdsa384" as the
>>> authentication method (and, this requires having a local copy of the public 
>>> key
>>> on the openbsd machine), iked falls back to rfc7427 for authentication, but 
>>> it
>>> appears that iOS does not support this (yet?).
>>> I have been downgrading iked to a version before the 3/27/17 (every time I
>>> update -current), and this still allows my old certificates to work.  But, 
>>> that
>>> doesn't seem sustainable.
>>> I have no idea how to proceed?
>>> Has anyone been able to get -current (or at least, a snapshot after 3/27/17)
>>> version of iked to work with any iOS devices using certificates 
>>> successfully?
>>> If so, I would really appreciate some advice on how it can be done.
>>> Thanks
>>> Ted
>> Last night I tried to set up my iPad for the first time and ran into a 
>> similar issue.  Today I remembered writing a patch for a similar issue after 
>> RFC7427 was added:
>> After applying this, and adding the `rsa' ikeauth parameter to the policy, 
>> the iPad successfully connected.
>> Can you try applying that patch and see if it resolves your issue?  If it 
>> also works for you, I'll reply on that thread and see if anyone wants to 
>> opine on the patch.
>> -TimS
>> -- 
>> Tim Stewart

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