On 2/21/19 1:38 PM, Tom Smyth wrote:
> Hello All ,
> we have an in house shell script based deployment system for our
> OpenBSD boxes in the field
> this involves the boxes  pulling config files over https but Im always
>  concerned that if the downloaded files are incomplete or empty that
> this would break the configs and require heavy manual intervention to fix
> and Im wondering is there a framework  or best practices guide
> or a good script example where OpenBSD folks have solved this issue
> At the moment im using native OpenBSD FTP client and the pull scripts
> are simple shell scripts,
> Im just-wondering is there shell scripts / functions that solve this problem
> in a much more safe & elegant way than me manually verifying hashes
> on each file download,
> Im concerned particularly that in the future that deployment scripts will
> add services (and hence imply the downloading of shell scripts) and i need
> to be certain
> im wondering if there is something like   rcctl.subr
> that my shell script could call with functions that have been written by 
> smarter
> people than I,
> any suggestions would be welcome ,

You may want to look into signify(1).
Make your own signing keypair for configuration files and sign your data
with signify(1) on the server; then use signify(1) on the client to
verify what you download.

Note that HTTPS itself already includes a layer of protection against
incomplete or modified data (Content-Length HTTP header; TLS message
authentication codes; TLS certificate PKI/server identity validation).
Depending on your threat model, you may not actually need to add
anything more to your setup.

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