On 11.02.19 04:53, David Gwynne wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> It sounds like you're on an ISP with very similar requirements to me. The 
> exec summary of what my ISP wants is pppoe on vlan2, with the vlan priority 
> forced to a single value.
> Our (OpenBSD's) understanding of the priority field in VLAN headers is that 
> it uses 802.1p for the fields value. 802.1p says that priories 0 and 1 are 
> swapped on the wire, and we use that consistently in the system, ie, the 
> priority you see in tcpdump on a vlan interface is the same as what you 
> configure for the priority value there, and visa versa. Everyone else seems 
> to think 0 is 0 and 1 is 1, which can be confusing.
> My ISP wants priority 0 on the wire, which means 1 in OpenBSD.
> I'm using an APU1, so I have re interfaces instead of em. I have re0 going to 
> the ISP, and re1 is my internal network.
> hostname.re0:
> up
> hostname.vlan2:
> vnetid 2
> parent re0
> link0 llprio 1
> up
> hostname.pppoe0:
> == pppoe0 ==
> inet
> pppoedev vlan2
> authproto pap
> authname 'dlg@the_isp' authkey 'secret'
> group external
> !/sbin/route add default -ifp pppoe0
> up
> hostname.re1:
> inet

Absolutely the same for me. Just a small addition, I also have the
following in my /etc/pf.conf

match on pppoe0 set prio 1

Works like a charm :-)

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just
selective about who its friends are!

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