On 2019-01-17, Frank Beuth <secli...@boxdan.com> wrote:
> (resending as 1st message didn't go through?)
> Has OpenBSD's support for Raspberry Pi devices improved much with 6.4? All the
> documentation I can find online regarding this platform and OpenBSD refers to
> 6.3, and suggest that the Raspberry Pi support is very limited (no packages?).

There's quite a decent number of packages: 

> The changelog for 6.4 notes for example:
> "Implemented an EFI driver to allow PXE boot over EFIs Simple Network
> Protocol, allowing TFTP boot on U-Boot based armv7 and arm64 machines."
> Does this allow installing without a serial console?
> These posts seems to suggest booting from the microSD card (vs needing 
> external
> USB drive) may be possible, but it's not very clear:
> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/OpenBSD-current-doesn-t-boot-on-Raspberry-Pi-3-Model-B-td352103.html
> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/OpenBSD-on-Raspberry-pi-3-model-B-td332780.html#a343278

AFAIK the comments here are all still valid:

- only 64-bit RPis are supported

- 3B has ethernet support

- 3B+ has no ethernet (but maybe you can add this by adding
your own USB device)

- No SD/wifi for any of them, you will need a USB storage device

I'm not aware of anything changing with console - but it's not a huge
expense to get an adapter for serial console, the common CP210x devices
supported by uslcom(4) cost about 3(EUR|GBP|USD) from local sellers or
less direct from China.

(if I was buying a 64-bit ARM device to run OpenBSD on at present,
I would be looking at the Rockchip-based PINE64 boards instead).

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