Running 6.4 (-stable, via openup/mtier).
I have bgpd(8) talking to my border router, acting as a route collector. That part seems fine. I now have httpd(8) configured trivially to run bgplg(8) (per the bgplg(8) manpage) but it's not working, and I can't tell why. **EDIT: yes, I can, see below**

server "*" {
        listen on * port 80
        location "/cgi-bin/*" {
                root ""

On the client end, I get:

  bgpmirror# wget -v http://localhost/cgi-bin/bgplg
  --2019-01-11 10:12:05--  http://localhost/cgi-bin/bgplg
  Resolving localhost (localhost)..., ::1
  Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 No headers, assuming HTTP/0.9
  Length: unspecified
  Saving to: 'bgplg'
(it never completes until I kill it)

Ktrace'ing slowcgi and httpd in -d mode reveals that bgplg execve's properly, loads, spits out "invalid character in input" and dies. Slowcgi and/or httpd do not handle this... well, at all, really. That error message also does not get logged anywhere nor is visible anywhere except ktrace logs.

Looking at the bgplg source code, this means there's something funky in its environment that it doesn't like. Ah. It looks like it's the "*" in server_name, as passed in by slowcgi:
  slowcgi: env[18], SERVER_NAME=*

Yup. That's the problem, all right: /usr/src/usr.bin/bgplg/bgplg.c:115 excludes '*'. But I want my looking glass to be accessible from at least two different hostnames, and I really would prefer to not have to define them all manually in httpd.conf(5).

The naive local fix is trivial (adding '*' to the strchr call in line 115), but what else might I be breaking or letting in? Clearly this is supposed to ensure the environment is sanitized before continuing, but is "*" forbidden because it's unsafe, or simply because it never occurred to anyone?

Thoughts / suggestions ?


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