On 2019-01-09, Stefan Wollny <stefan.wol...@web.de> wrote:
> On 08.01.19 14:24, Mihai Popescu wrote:
>> So, I still have two questions about mirrors:
>> Can a mirror limit your download speed ?
>> Do a CDN url point to an existing mirror, or is it a diffeent server?
>> Thank you.
> I can confirm Mihai's observation: http://ftp.hostserver.de is
> remarkable slow for 2~3 weeks, even from within Frankfurt. From memory
> I'd say from around the week before xmas download rates dropped to
> 20kb/s what usually was ~2mb/s.
I'm currently getting 6.7MByte/s over v6 and 3.95MByte/s over v4
from ftp.hostserver.de to the UK. So it's not a global problem.
As phessler said, send him traceroute and your source IP offlist.

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