
in the midst of debugging ruleset/migrations, I came across this output in 'pfctl -vvss': all tcp (public-nat:993) <- remote-ip:4690 ESTABLISHED:ESTABLISHED
   [1683650613 + 66296] wscale 7  [3702552199 + 16768] wscale 2
age 04:32:22, expires in 00:09:25, 745:737 pkts, 55579:87226 bytes, anchor 11, rule 0, source-track
   id: 5b5139707ff0259a creatorid: cfe3cb20

Now, who is 'anchor 11'? By no means 'relayctl show redirects' or 'pfctl -vsA' or "pfctl -a 'relayd/*' -vvsr" would give me a "numbered" clue. The anchors are ascii/literally named - no number like on the
rules in 'pfctl -vvsr'.

In the current case I've only one relayd-redirection with port 993, so I can guestimate the anchor.

Am I overlooking a pfctl/relayctl option or is '11' internal only?


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