On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 10:51:38PM +0100, John Ankarström wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have this port [1] that installed fine on 6.3, but after I upgraded to
> 6.4, following the FAQ, I'm getting weird errors.
> When running make install, it fails because qtbase-5.9.4 can't be installed,
> which is weird that it wants to do, because the version in ports is 5.9.6p1.
> Here's the output: http://sprunge.us/z6d97h
> When I try to run make rebuild, it complains about missing libraries for Qt5
> stuff: http://sprunge.us/oEDaKE
> Some proof that I've actually upgraded:
> $ uname -a
> OpenBSD lbsd.home 6.4 GENERIC.MP#364 amd64
> $ cd /usr/ports; cvs status Makefile
> [...]
> Sticky Tag:          OPENBSD_6_4 (branch: 1.77.2)
> [...]
> Anybody got any idea as to what's going on?

$ rm -rf /usr/ports/{pobj,packages,plist}
$ pkg_delete strawberry
$ pkg_add -u
$ pkg_delete -a
$ cd /usr/ports/audio/strawberry
$ make install

> Best regards,
> John
> [1]:
> https://files.jkvinge.net/packages/strawberry/strawberry-openbsd-port.tar.gz

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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