Hi, @Theo

And this message is normal?!

Get/Verify syspatch64-002_syspatch.tgz
Installing patch 002_syspatch
syspatch updated itself, run it again to install missing patches
!!! syspatch failed; please run syspatch manually


On 11/2/18 6:18 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Carlos Lopez <clo...@outlook.com> wrote:
>>   Applying syspatch today, returns me the following warning:
>> root@obsd-fw-per01:~# syspatch
>> ln: /usr/X11R6/bin/X: No such file or directory
>>   I guess it's an expected error since I don't have X11 installed. Correct?
> Yes.
> The syspatch patch to syspatch (say that three times fast) isn't quite
> perfect for that case, but at least the warning it gives isn't a big deal.
> You can ignore it.

~ " Fully Basic System Distinguish Life! " ~ " Libre as a BSD " +=<<<
<me>Stephane HUC as PengouinBSD or CIOTBSD</me>

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