Hello Mr. Ankarström,

I have challenged to try to make shell_expand_line in ksh.
You can check it if you type M-C-e.

$ echo "$(echo a b)"
$ echo "a b"

$ alias ll='ls -l'
$ ll $(echo a b) hoge "$(( 1 + 1 ))" ll bar
$ ls -l a b hoge "2" ll bar

To be honest, I'm not sure if this is correct.
I only like OpenBSD, That's why I'm so sorry if they're wrong

Best regards,
Hajime Edakawa

Index: emacs.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/bin/ksh/emacs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -p -r1.84 emacs.c
--- emacs.c     16 Jan 2018 17:17:18 -0000      1.84
+++ emacs.c     9 Oct 2018 22:47:44 -0000
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ static int  x_fold_lower(int);
 static int     x_fold_upper(int);
 static int     x_set_arg(int);
 static int     x_comment(int);
+static int     x_shell_expand_line(int);
 #ifdef DEBUG
 static int     x_debug_info(int);
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ static const struct x_ftab x_ftab[] = {
        { x_fold_upper,         "upcase-word",                  XF_ARG },
        { x_set_arg,            "set-arg",                      XF_NOBIND },
        { x_comment,            "comment",                      0 },
+       { x_shell_expand_line,  "shell-expand-line",            0 },
        { 0, 0, 0 },
 #ifdef DEBUG
        { x_debug_info,         "debug-info",                   0 },
@@ -1467,6 +1469,7 @@ x_init_emacs(void)
        kb_add(x_comp_file,             CTRL('['), CTRL('X'), 0);
        kb_add(x_comp_list,             CTRL('I'), 0);
        kb_add(x_comp_list,             CTRL('['), '=', 0);
+       kb_add(x_shell_expand_line,     CTRL('['), CTRL('E'), 0);
        kb_add(x_del_back,              CTRL('?'), 0);
        kb_add(x_del_back,              CTRL('H'), 0);
        kb_add(x_del_char,              CTRL('['), '[', '3', '~', 0);
/* delete */
@@ -1700,6 +1703,48 @@ x_expand(int c)
                        return KSTD;
+       x_adjust();
+       return KSTD;
+static int
+x_shell_expand_line(int c)
+       int             skip = 0, len = 0, size = 0;
+       char            *cp, *word, *name, *buf;
+       struct tbl      *tp;
+       if (xep == xbuf) {
+               x_e_putc(BEL);
+               return KSTD;
+       }
+       cp = xbuf;
+       while (cp != xep && is_mfs(*cp))
+               skip += x_size(*cp++);
+       word = cp;
+       while (cp != xep && !is_mfs(*cp)) {
+               size += x_size(*cp++);
+               len++;
+       }
+       if (len > 0) {
+               name = strndup(word, len);
+               tp = ktsearch(&aliases, name, hash(name));
+               if (tp) {
+                       x_goto(xbuf + skip);
+                       x_delete(size, false);
+                       x_ins(tp->val.s);
+               }
+       }
+       size = x_size_str(xbuf);
+       buf = substitute(xbuf, 0);
+       x_goto(xbuf);
+       x_delete(size, false);
+       x_ins(buf);

        return KSTD;
2018年10月7日(日) 4:41 John Ankarström <j...@ankarstrom.se>:
> Hello again,
> Is there a way for ksh to expand a $(command substitution) without
> having to execute the entire line?
> bash provides this via shell-expand-line (bound to Ctrl-Alt-e by
> default), and ksh seems to have expand-file, but that only works for
> filenames.
> Any ideas?
> Best regards,
> John

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