On 10/07/18 13:33, Tracy Bales wrote:
I have a fresh install of 6.3-AMD64 running on an AMD FX-8300 8 core system. I have created a 10G disk image. I then started the vm to boot the bsd.rd so I can install OpenBSD 6.3-AMD64 into this disk image. Here are my issues: 1) The screen is really slow when the OpenBSD installer starts. I have to keep pressing the space bar for the screen to update text output so I can see the full prompts. I noticed in several Google searches that people suggest using SSH instead of CU to connect to the vm to get around the slow screen output. My question is how do I connect to the vm if the vm does not have an OS running on it to accept the SSH connection?
You should try -current, a large number of improvements have been made to the vmm SVM codebase since 6.3 released. If I recall, there were some AMD specific commits several months ago to address serial console issues on AMD vmm guests.
2) I set sysctl.conf to "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1", added the following to the end of my default pf.conf: "pass out on egress from !(egress) nat-to (egress)" and then set hostname.vether0 to "inet". Finally I rebooted the machine. SSH does not work to connect to the vm. My question, I use "vmctl console 1" and the installer asks for the location of the install sets and I tell it http, however it does not connect to the network...what am I missing to get the network to pass traffic to the vm?
See https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html#VMMnet for info on setting up networking for vmm. You can put "match out on egress from to any nat-to (egress)" in your pf.conf to NAT your vm guests (you'll need to port forward to allow inbound traffic to your virtual machines fyi)
For overall ease of use, I prefer to use option 3 in the above faq write up which uses a bridge interface to allow the vm guests to pull addresses via dhcp from the same network the host machine is on. This also has the added benefit of allowing inbound traffic without port forwarding.