Tim Jones <b631093f-779b-4d67-9ffe-5f6d5b1d3...@protonmail.ch> schreef op 6 
oktober 2018 13:12:19 CEST:
>> That's the nature of a donation: it comes with
>> no strings attached for the party receiving.
>Evidently you have not heard of restricted funds.
>If a donor gives on a restricted funds basis (happens all the time),
>then its black and white, either (a) return the funds or (b) abide by
>the restrictions set by the donor.
>The vast majority of non-profits will quite happily accept restricted
>funds because its a bit of a "cut

But none will accept restrictions after the donation has already been given 
without those. 

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Android apparaat met K-9 Mail. Excuseer mijn beknoptheid.

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