
Please do not recommend SquirrelMail. It is unmaintained. Its last
release was 5 years ago.

User interfaces like Roundcube and Rainloop work well enough and still
are actively maintained. I do not know how well those other ones you
listed work.

Alternatively, direct your users to some clear and well-written
instructions that would allow them to configure a mail client of their

Best wishes,

On 09/08/18 16:39, Kaya Saman wrote:
> I agree here!
> Basically you would need a few components:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Message_transfer_agent
> One way to do it would be something like: Postfix / Courier IMAP / Then
> bolt something like SquirrelMail on top for web UI client
> There are many ways to achieve the same goal as in you don't have to use
> Postfix you could go for Sendmail or any other....
> However for you it might be a better option to go with Linux as @Jay
> suggested and then whack something like Scalix or Zimbra on top......
> http://www.scalix.com/en/
> https://www.zimbra.com/
> That way you have a fully managed mail system right out of the box with
> granular control of what users can and can't do.....
> Regards,
> Kaya

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