On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 05:11:24AM +0100, Tom Smyth wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was wondering what is the lowest values of BGP holdtime that you
> recommend running in production ?

I recomend using the default especially against ebgp peers.
> I would like to set them to a lower value to detect an issue with
> peers that dont support BFD  quicker,
> but I dont want to set it to a value that would overly tax the system 
> resources,
> If you are running approx 60 Peers on one and 30 Peers on another router,
> Im also running Arista 7050 Switches with BGP sessions  to the OpenBGPd 
> Routers.
> I would really apprecate any one elses real world experience on this
> matter before I go lowering the default values in our production
> enviornment

bgpd should be able to handle the minimal hold time with 30 or 60
peers just fine but I'm not so sure about any other system. Also flaping
sessions because of too aggressive holdtime is counterproductive the
session flap dampening will kick in and will keep session longer down than

In the end, like with most tuning, you need to check for yourself with what
you are comfortable with.

:wq Claudio

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