On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 10:23:11 -0400

> > Uhmm … Reality? 
> > https://techcrunch.com/2018/09/12/security-flaw-in-nearly-all-modern-pcs-and-macs-leaks-encrypted-data/?guccounter=1
> >   
> Somewhat better writup from the source:
> https://blog.f-secure.com/cold-boot-attacks/
> The vulnerability seems to be when a computer is running or "sleeping"
> not actually off or hibernating. There are then ways that an attacker
> with physical access might recover encryption keys or other data from
> RAM.

Old news. Also, cold boot attacks go atleast several years before 2008.
In fact, expensive cold boot resistant hdd were around in 2005.

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