On Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 04:52:01PM +0000, Ken M wrote:
> But frankly they go to a friends house in our red neck area with non tech 
> savvy
> parents and who knows what happens. But frankly anywhere they are there is
> always something that could happen. I feel like there is no winning the battle
> of doing this, only losing. It is more important to teach them to make good
> decisions than trying to invade on all of their bad ones before they can make
> it. And frankly just like in science failure is a result so are the mistakes 
> we
> all had to get to the point we learned from them.
> Ughh, sorry I opened what is more of a philosophical can of worms on the 
> mailing
> list.

Actually, you did not. s/kids/confused new users/g and we are having a
completely appropriate conversation on dealing with problematic users
that need some monitoring for IT safety and secrecy issues.
And that IS an important topic every day!

Chris Bennett

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