
After running Webkit-based web browser (Vimb) I notice that I have less
and less free memory over time (actually after few hours) even if I kill
both vimb and Webkit* processes. Finally when 3500M and more memory is
allocated I have to endure performance degradation because SWAP is
becoming used.

How the hell do I release all that unused allocated garbage without
rebooting my laptop?

$ top -o size
load averages:  0.03,  0.21,  0.21                                              
                                             mazocomp.lan 04:55:49
70 processes: 1 running, 67 idle, 2 on processor                                
                                                  up 3 days,  0:43
CPU0 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.8% sys,  0.0% spin,  0.2% intr, 99.0% 
CPU1 states:  0.2% user,  0.0% nice,  0.2% sys,  0.0% spin,  0.0% intr, 99.6% 
CPU2 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% sys,  0.0% spin,  0.0% intr,  100% 
CPU3 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% sys,  0.0% spin,  0.0% intr,  100% 
Memory: Real: 69M/3587M act/tot Free: 284M Cache: 383M Swap: 119M/8397M

65413 _postgre   2    0  144M 1868K idle      poll      0:07  0.00% postgres
62427 _postgre   2    0  144M 1708K idle      poll      0:05  0.00% postgres
72151 _postgre   2    0  144M 1232K idle      poll      0:05  0.00% postgres
90499 _postgre   2    0  144M 1180K sleep/0   poll      0:07  0.00% postgres
22310 _postgre   2    0  144M 1080K sleep/0   poll      0:07  0.00% postgres
13490 _postgre   2    0  144M 1028K idle      select    0:06  0.00% postgres
58772 mazocomp   2    0   33M   24M sleep/0   poll     73:29  0.00% Xorg
22832 _tor       2    0   32M   26M run/1     -         5:09  0.00% tor
84247 mazocomp  10    0   16M 5492K onproc/1  nanosle  54:15  0.29% toxic
84431 mazocomp   2    0   10M 9168K sleep/1   select    0:05  0.00% xterm
94598 mazocomp   2    0 6412K 8940K idle      select    0:00  0.00% xterm
50489 _postgre   2    0 5816K 1344K idle      poll      0:10  0.00% postgres
96294 mazocomp   2    0 5640K 5372K sleep/0   poll      1:13  0.00% irssi
96621 mazocomp   2    0 2872K 3476K sleep/0   kqread    2:24  0.00% tmux
43556 mazocomp   2    0 2344K  644K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% Xorg
79398 mazocomp   2    0 2296K 2776K idle      poll      0:22  0.00% cwm
65673 mazocomp  28    0 2012K 4008K onproc/0  -         0:00  0.00% top
11524 _smtpd     2    0 1688K  880K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
49299 _smtpd     2    0 1676K  844K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
64309 _smtpd     2    0 1624K  848K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
95491 _smtpq     2    0 1560K  844K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
21445 root       2    0 1548K  848K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
70699 mazocomp   2    0 1436K 1636K sleep/0   kqread    0:00  0.00% tmux
57744 mazocomp  10    0 1388K 2844K idle      wait      0:00  0.00% man
18744 _smtpd     2    0 1292K  844K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
23808 root       2    0 1292K  808K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% vmd
35038 _smtpd     2    0 1280K  848K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
53511 _ntp       2  -20 1224K 1208K sleep/1   poll      0:26  0.00% ntpd
45313 _vmd       2    0 1148K  844K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% vmd
75958 _vmd       2    0 1144K  844K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% vmd
11047 root       2    0 1144K  836K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% vmd
25340 _syslogd   2    0 1132K 1040K sleep/1   kqread    0:01  0.00% syslogd
66191 root       2    0 1060K 1072K sleep/0   select    0:10  0.00% tincd
17686 root       2    0  996K  716K idle      select    0:05  0.00% sshd
68445 mazocomp   3    0  988K 2596K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% more
39325 mazocomp   2    0  884K  860K idle      poll      0:03  0.00% nc
39586 mazocomp  18    0  880K  832K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
65268 mazocomp   2    0  860K  868K idle      poll      0:03  0.00% nc
65823 root       2  -20  828K 1128K idle      poll      0:05  0.00% ntpd
79705 _dhcp      2    0  764K    8K idle      poll      0:07  0.00% dhclient
73782 mazocomp  18    0  760K  448K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
87354 mazocomp  18    0  756K  912K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
89664 mazocomp  18    0  756K  432K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh
75186 mazocomp  18    0  752K  900K sleep/1   pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
54422 mazocomp  18    0  748K  428K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
18541 mazocomp  18    0  744K  448K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh
21475 mazocomp  18    0  744K  444K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% sh
 9454 mazocomp  18    0  744K  444K idle      pause     0:00  0.00% ksh

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