Fulltime work on a port definitely qualifies as a serious attempt. It
is almost impossible to say for sure you can manage such a port. All I
want is that this beauty is actively used for OpenBSD. Otherwise I'll
keep it for my own developments or reuse the CPUs in a Thalos
workstation if that's even possible.

And, yes the POWER9 architecture can run both in big- and small endian mode.

Let's wait a bit more and see who's most "qualified" to take the task.
I live in The Netherlands b.t.w. so shipping from there.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 9:21 PM, Peter J. Philipp <p...@centroid.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a powerpc64 port, I've been at it 2 weeks non-stop.  I don't
> know if I'll finish.  But I gotta say hey! this is a generous offer.
> Since I'm focusing on the big endian machine byte order and on PowerPC 970's
> it would need to be ported again to little endian afaik.  If it's possible
> to run on a Power9 in big endian mode this would be cool.
> I believe I am not worthy of such a machine and only worthy if I port
> OpenBSD to my PowerPC 970FX cpu.  Let's take our time and wait to see if I
> or anyone else moves in a positive direction in this area.
> BTW I've been working on a cross-compiler to powerpc64 today.  I used
> kevlo's riscv cross compiler port and modified it. Unfortunately I started
> before sunrise and it's sunset now and i haven't managed to get cross-gcc
> working.  I may succeed tomorrow.
> Regards,
> -peter
> On 07/24/18 20:27, Pascal de Kloe wrote:
>> I'm offering my brand new IBM 9006-22P with two 16-core 2.9GHZ CPUs to
>> the OpenBSD project for free. Who can make the hardware port happen?
>> Serious attempts only.

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