On 07/10/18 12:57, Email wrote:
[drivel snipped]

Probably about 20 years ago, I had despaired of the "solution of the
week!" of Linux, and figured, while it was cool that a bunch of people
had put together a free Unix-like OS, the churn was too great to be
practical for businesses expecting a low-maintenance solution.

While reading through an on-line forum, I tripped across crap like the
OP here posted (and much worse and more literate, of course) being said
about this Theo de Raadt character.  It wasn't intellectual disagreement
on technical issues, it was childish name calling, leading to the
"conclusion" that anything Theo did must be wrong.

Well...anyone who generates THAT much blind hatred has to be checked
out, they are obviously either onto (or into) something.  So I read up
on OpenBSD, LOVED the philosophy of "security matters", downloaded it,
and never regretted it.  Following the fantastic OpenBSD documentation,
I accomplished more in three days with OpenBSD than I had in several
years of poking at Linux.

So, while obvious trolls like this are annoying...they also serve a
purpose.  I thank those mindless haters for pointing me in a very
interesting direction a couple decades ago, and I'll thank this ass in
particular for reminding me that I'm a bit behind in my project
donations (I do miss the CDs).  That has now been fixed.


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