On 07/04/18 21:39, rehcla wrote:
Hey Martijn,
Just found a Lumina thread on the OpenBSD Mailinglist and in that one you said
you are the maintainer of the Lumina port.
Is that still the case?
I did like Lumina on TrueOS, but TrueOS was far too unstable for me... Anyway I
identifiy much more with OpenBSD and Theo de Raadt:)
If yes, is there any reason wh lumina-terminal is missing?
xterm has no copy paste feature (what is handy if you need to use mpv as
I installed the kde-konsole what dependce on a buch of other kde packages.
It would be great to have lumina-terminal available... How about it?
I'm not the maintainer of the Lumina port, Bryan C. Everly is (according
to the port's Makefile). I use xterm as my terminal emulator and copy
and paste works fine with the middle mouse button.
Kind regards,
Martijn Rijkeboer